Rapid.Tech 3D

Rapid.Tech 3D

Short description

Die Rapid.Tech 3D ist die zukunftsweisende Pionierveranstaltung der AM-Szene in der Messe Erfurt und feiert ihre 20. Auflage: 14. bis 16. Mai 2024. Das Event bietet einen erfolgreichen Dreiklang aus Fachkongress, Ausstellung und Netzwerkmöglichkeiten für die AM Industrie.

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Posts (26)

Rapid.Tech 3D May 17, 2024
Press release

Rapid.Tech 3D shines in anniversary year: bringing together what belongs together

Marking its 20th anniversary, Rapid.Tech 3D has impressively reaffirmed its reputation as a pioneering trade event for industrial 3D printing. Once again, 2,700 visitors from Germany and abroad came to Erfurt between 14 and 16 May 2024.

Rapid.Tech 3D 2024

Rapid.Tech 3D May 16, 2024
Press release

3D printing pioneer Dr. Brent Stucker in Erfurt

After stock market hype, technology now on a constant growth course. Strategy specialist from US analysis company Wohlers Associates predicts good opportunities for German industry in this field at the 20th Rapid.Tech 3D

Rapid.Tech 3D 2024

Rapid.Tech 3D May 16, 2024
Press release

20th Rapid.Tech 3D: an opening packed with debuts

The 20th edition of Rapid.Tech 3D kicked off with an impressive keynote speech, high-calibre trade forums, innovative 3D printing applications and inspiring networking formats.

Rapid.Tech 3D 2024

Rapid.Tech 3D May 8, 2024
Press release

Electronic clothes, renewable bones, printed houses

20th Rapid.Tech 3D showcases the present and future of 3D printing. The 20th anniversary event opens its doors tomorrow. The pioneering additive manufacturing event is back at Erfurt for the 20th time.

Rapid.Tech 3D 2024

Rapid.Tech 3D May 2, 2024
Press release

A well-balanced triumvirate of conference, exhibition and networking

20th Rapid.Tech 3D will link the three elements even more closely - Rapid.Tech 3D is set to welcome visitors to Erfurt for the 20th time. For its anniversary event from 14 to 16 May 2024

Rapid.Tech 3D 2024

Rapid.Tech 3D April 25, 2024
Press release

Additive manufacturing for defence technology

3D printing applications for military technology will be the subject of a session at the Innovations in Additive Manufacturing forum on 15 May 2024 at Rapid.Tech 3D

Rapid.Tech 3D 2024

Rapid.Tech 3D April 23, 2024
Press release

Anniversary record

Science forum sees the highest number of submissions in Rapid.Tech 3D’s 20-year history.............................................................................................

Rapid.Tech 3D 2024

Rapid.Tech 3D April 18, 2024
Press release

AM and the chemical industry: The “silent revolution” is getting louder

DECHEMA presents the Forum Chemistry & Process Engineering on May 15, 2024 at Rapid.Tech 3D with eight exciting AM use cases from the chemical and process industry.

Rapid.Tech 3D 2024

Rapid.Tech 3D April 17, 2024
Press release

3D Pioneers Challenge 2024 Finalists have been announced

Experience the collaborative mindset at this year's special exhibition and experience projects with pioneering methods, materials and processes ................

Rapid.Tech 3D 2024

Rapid.Tech 3D April 16, 2024
Press release

3D-printed electronics continue to gain ground

Innovations in Additive Manufacturing forum to highlight this technology sector on 16 May 2024

Rapid.Tech 3D 2024

About us

Neben einer breit aufgestellten Informationsplattform ist die Rapid.Tech 3D auch ein kreativer Treffpunkt für Start-Ups wie für Experten:innen und Branchen-Größen des Additive Manufacturing. Den hochklassigen und stark Anwender-orientierten Kongress ergänzt die Fachausstellung rund um die additive Prozesskette mit passenden Möglichkeiten für Networking und Austausch, u.a. bei verschiedenen Abendveranstaltungen oder auf der Vortragsbühne der 3D Printing Conference.

Auch die AM Wissenschafts- und Forschungs-Community findet seit vielen Jahren bei uns ihren festen Platz. Für das Forum AM Wissenschaft 2024 steht ab sofort der CALL FOR PAPERS zur Verfügung. Ab dem Jahr 2024 konnten zwei neue hochklassige Veröffentlichungspartner (Springer Nature Progress in Additive Manufacturing und RTe Journal) gewonnen werden.