© - how minimal invasive retrofitting technology enables highly adaptive batch repairs
AdditiveStream is a deep tech start up dedicated to the niche technology in the Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) and Direct Energy Deposition (DED) additive manufacturing process. AdditiveStream has developed a patented portfolio to support the industrialization of its technology.
The Berlin-based start-up additiveStream specializes in the niche technology in additive manufacturing processes. They have developed a patented technology portfolio to achieve industrialization in 2024/25 with established industrial partners from the turbomachinery industry.
The additiveStream team has developed a minimally invasive hardware and software to challenge and surpass known welding technologies in terms of productivity by retrofitting industrial L-PBF systems with their technology.
The technology is also predestined for hybrid component production, i.e. the additive completion of machined blanks. AdditiveStream calls this hybrd.AM. The concept makes it possible to reduce costs while at the same time optimizing existing production capacities.
Simon Feicks explains further details on hardware/software, costs, scaling ideas and the company's future plans in episode 78 of the "Druckwelle" podcast.
Presentation language: ENG