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3D Printing Conference

High-Temperature Applications 2.0 – Exploring Sustainable Product Development With Additive Manufacturing

3D Printing Conference powered by STRATASYS: We are looking forward to Stephan Galozy's (3YOURMIND) & Cynthia Wirth (Siemens Energy) presentation at the anniversary edition of Rapid.Tech 3D 2024.

Additive manufacturing is often marketed as the ‘more sustainable’ manufacturing method, but
is it really?
3YOURMIND’s Chief Product Officer Stephan Galozy will discuss High Temperature
Applications 2.0, a research project funded by the Berlin government to explore sustainable
product development of high-temperature applications like gas turbines. Stephan will provide an
overview of the project partners and their contributions, ranging from energy OEMs like Siemens
Energy, hallowed research institutes like Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the Technical University
of Berlin, and rising tech players in the Berlin start-up scene. Stephan will also discuss the
learnings discovered and the implications of additive manufacturing’s future role in sustainable
product development.
Audience members will walk away with a better understanding of:
● Key considerations and necessary processes to develop products more sustainably.
● Automating sustainable product development processes with software and robotics to
measure the impact of using resources like material, equipment, and labor.
● How research projects like HTA 2.0 create a low-risk environment to investigate and
solve the challenges of additive manufacturing adoption and can provide a playbook for
private companies to utilize.
Pending speaker availability, Stephan will be joined by another High Temperature Application
research project member to provide additional information about the project’s scope.

Speakers (2)

Stephan Galozy

Stephan Galozy

Chief Product Officer

Cynthia Wirth

Cynthia Wirth

Head of Innovation & Digitalization