Alternative AM processes for the production of non-weldable materials
In the presentation by FRAUNHOFER IFAM, alternative processes will be demonstrated using examples of materials. The focus will be on sinter-based processes and electron beam melting in particular.
Laser Powder Fusion (PBF LB ) is the dominant additive process for the production of metallic
components. This is reflected on the one hand in the number of processes installed and on the other in the number of articles published in specialist and popular jou rnals. In part, this has given the
impression that LPBF can be used to produce not only all possible geometries but also all conceivable materials. However, like all processes, LPBF has process related limitations, of which only the materials will be considered in this paper.
Although previously inaccessible materials such as pure copper have been made accessible for LPBF in recent years, it is not foreseeable that corresponding breakthroughs can be achieved with other materials in the near future.
For this reason, other processes are coming into focus which, in addition to various other advantages over LPBF, use other build up mechanisms to produce the component and therefore have different boundary conditions with regard to the materials. However, it is essential to acknowledge that no single additive process can fulfill all requirements.
In this overview, the multi-stage processes that produce the component via a s intering step on the one hand and electron beam melting (PBF EB) on the other are to be discussed.
Presentation language: ENG
Speakers (1)