Innovations in AM forum

AM for defence – Adding resilience to the supply chain

Michel Honoré from FORCE Technology presents a case study in his defense. He reports on the 3D printing of larger aerospace components.

The 3D printing of larger aerospace components for the F-35 fighter jet is presented in a case study, investigating the move from traditional CNC-machining to enable a lesser supply-chain dependency. The study is based upon the actual 3D printing of a prototype component, app. ø165x530 mm in dimensions.

In times of crisis, supply chains are challenged, and raw materials supplies scarce. AM and 3D printing allow for a less raw-materials intensive means of production, and a means to increase the supply chains resilience, produce spare parts on demand or even repair or remanufacture spare parts. In the present study, a move from traditional CNC-machining to AM proves that the materials consumption can be reduced by more than 95 %, and that the 3D printed components are in compliance with MIL design guidelines for e.g. fatigue. In addition the carbon-emmissions, CO2e, of the manufacturing process appear to enable a much greener foot-print, in a simplified comparative study.

Presentation language: ENG

Speakers (1)

Michel Honoré

Michel Honoré

Senior Team Leader