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Innovations in AM forum rapid.tech 3D 2024

Technologies for the additive manufacturing of 3D electronics

In his talk, Markus Ankenbrand from the UNIVERSITY OF ERLANGEN-NÜRNBERG will report on the potential and challenges of additively manufactured 3D electronics. He will also provide an overview of various technologies for creating electronic circuits on 3D surfaces.

rapid.tech 3D
Erfurt, Germany

In the talk "Technologies for Additive Manufacturing of 3D Electronics", methods and technologies are discussed that enable the production of Mechatronic Integrated Devices (3D-MID). In particular, various digital printing technologies and laser direct structuring for the creation of electronic circuits on three-dimensional surfaces are presented. It is demonstrated how these technologies can drive the development of innovative products and systems in various industries, from consumer electronics to aerospace.
By combining theoretical foundations with current research projects, the lecture offers a comprehensive insight into the potentials and challenges of additive manufacturing of 3D electronics.

Presentation language: GER

Speakers (1)

Markus Ankenbrand

Markus Ankenbrand

Technology field coordinator for mechatronic integrated assemblies


Key data

Thursday, May 16, 2024
1:35 PM - 2:05 PM
CongressCenter, Raum Ch. Reichart, 2 OG

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