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Software, AI & Design forum

Value creation using data and artificial intelligence - the legal framework

GRANT THORNTON RECHTSANWALTSCHAFTSGESELLSCHAFT MBH gives an overview of the importance of data and AI in additive manufacturing and reports on legal action required in the presentation

The use of AI systems and the generation and utilisation of large amounts of data in Additive Manufacturing offers considerable potential for the optimisation of processes and the development of digital data-based business models. Not least against the background of the development of the European legal framework for the use of Artificial Intelligence and the establishment of a European Data Economy, it is highly important for companies involved to recognise the complexity of the legal issues and interrelationships in the field of 3D printing at an early stage in order to fully exploit the economic potential by incorporating the legal issues in good time and setting up the respective business model in a legally compliant manner in order to avoid pitfalls.

Presentation language: GER 

Speakers (1)

Marco Müller-ter Jung

Marco Müller-ter Jung

Specialist lawyer for IT and technology law