Novel titanium-based sulfur containing BMG for PBF-LB/M
Hanna Schönrath of Universität Duisburg-Essen investigates the additive manufacturing route for a novel glass-forming titanium-based sulfur-containing alloy of the composition 〖Ti〗_60 〖Zr〗_15 〖Cu〗_17 S_8. This system is a promising candidate for medical devices.
This paper investigates the additive manufacturing route for a novel glass-forming titanium-based sulfur-containing alloy of the composition 𝑇𝑖60𝑍𝑟15𝐶𝑢17𝑆8. This system is a promising candidate for medical devices since the lack of toxic components is combined with a high corrosion resistance and strength. Preliminary experiments and simulations show a general processability of bulk material by powder bed fusion technologies. TEM and XRD reveal an amorphous microstructure of laser-treated surfaces. Ultrasonic atomization is used to fabricate a flowable powder feed stock with spherical morphology and crystalline microstructure, which is suitable for processing in powder bed fusion. Correlations between detected crystalline phase formations and melt pool dynamics are revealed by SEM and EDX. It is shown that bulk samples with a high relative density and partially crystalline microstructure can be manufactured.
Vortragssprache: ENG
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